The RPAS Projects Collaboration Panel was founded in January 2021 with the twofold purpose of discussing and coordinating research activities and results concerning the integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems.
The panel is composed by representatives of the SESAR Exploratory Research projects INVIRCAT, SAFELAND, and URClearED as well as the Industrial Research project PJ13-W2 ERICA and the Very Large Demonstration project CORUS-XUAM.
It was founded to coordinate research activities, generate synergies, and exchange and discuss their results, in order to build a common concept that supports rule makers, standardization bodies, and the industry in decision making and the generation of harmonized standards.
We have recently presented the RPAS Projects Collaboration Panel during the SESAR Innovation Days 2021 and the concept image and video presentation prepared for the event are now available on this website as well. Hope you like them!