The INVIRCAT consortium was delighted to welcome the members of the INVIRCAT Advisory Board (AB) in the INVIRCAT Second Advisory Board meeting, which took place virtually, on Monday, September 20th 2021.
The INVIRCAT Advisory Board (AB) consists of a large group of external experts and stakeholders with noteworthy and recognized expertise in the field of RPAS, RPAS integration and standardization. It complements the expertise already included in the Consortium and acts as an independent consultation body. In particular its role is to follow the activity of the project in order to:
review and steer the main project results,
establish connections with other related initiatives and projects
share information from/to other relevant projects and/or initiatives
To this end, it also involves members with knowledge of and expertise about some key related global initiatives and projects concerning RPAS integration, such as the work carried out by the European UAS Standards Coordination Group (EUSCG) and by the ICAO Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel (RPASP), the EUROCAE and EASA initiatives related to RPAS integration, as well as ongoing SESAR Projects ERICA, URClearED and SAFELAND.
Overall, the INVIRCAT Advisory Board includes 32 members from 29 different organisations, belonging to 7 stakeholders categories: Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), Airport Operators, Airspace Users, Staff Associations, Industry, R&D Community, Decision-makers and Standard Setters.
Following a first meeting held in March in which the Advisory Board was involved in a series of activies intended to collect inputs for the production of the INVIRCAT Initial Concept of Operations, the second meeting was intended to present and discuss the initial CONOPS, produced by the project and published as D2.3, while the final iteration of the CONOPS will be published next year. In addition, the meeting had the purpose of presenting and discussing the requirements defined at project level and the validation strategy and approach that we are going to apply in the next weeks and months.
The meeting was very fruitful and lots of valuable comments and feedback were collected. Many thanks to all the experts who attended the meeting and engaged in the discussions. The involvement of such many and different experts is an invaluable source of enrichment for the project.