The INVIRCAT consortium was delighted to welcome the members of the INVIRCAT Advisory Board (AB) in the INVIRCAT Third Advisory Board meeting, which took place virtually, on May 16th, 2022.
The INVIRCAT Advisory Board (AB) consists of a large group of external experts and stakeholders with noteworthy and recognized expertise in the field of RPAS, RPAS integration, and standardization. It complements the expertise already included in the Consortium and acts as an independent consultation body.
Following a first meeting held in March 2021 in which the Advisory Board was involved in a series of activies intended to collect inputs for the production of the INVIRCAT Initial Concept of Operations, and a second meeting in September intended to present and discuss the initial CONOPS, the requirements defined at project level, and the validation strategy and approach, the third AB meeting centred on presenting the consolidated CONOPS, based on the results of the simulation campaigns.
The meeting was structured as an interactive workshop, involving overall 7 members of the AB and 10 members of the INVIRCAT team.
After a brief recap of the INVIRCAT concept and objectives, a session followed dedicated to giving feedback back to the Advisory Board members. To this end, the list of the cons, gaps, and suggestions on the early concept of INVIRCAT collected during the 1st AB meeting was shared to assess which of them were tackled by the project. The exercise highlighted that of the gaps identified at the beginning of the project, many of them were indeed tackled by INVIRCAT, showing how the project took into consideration the initial contribution of the Advisory Board.
Then, the results of the simulation activities were introduced and presented with the help of a dedicated set of infographics. These illustrated the 5 KPAs identified as relevant for the project and the 18 associated validation objectives targeted (assessed in both nominal and contingencies, in most cases).
Finally, the consortium collected further gaps and research directions through a new collaborative exercise.
Overall, the Advisory Board provided positive feedback on the presentation, considering the INVIRCAT results as very interesting.